Hi, I'm Alex

A Computer Science Engineer passionate about software development, cybersecurity and computer science research.

I'm a technology enthusiast specializing in web development. I specialize in Python, R, JavaScript and frameworks like VueJS and Tailwind CSS. I'm always eager to learn new technologies and improve my skills. I enjoy learning and tackling new challenges.

React Logo VueJS Logo Tailwind Logo JS Logo Python Logo CSS Logo HTML Logo JAVA Logo Docker Logo Linux Logo
My Work

Portfolio 🚀



VueJS logo Vue
Tailwind logo TailwindCSS
Firebase logo Firebase

Personal project, cybersecurity Blog

Project 2


VueJS logo Vue
Tailwind logo TailwindCSS
Firebase logo Firebase

Personal project, AI projects repository

Project 3


JavaScript logo React
NodeJS logo Next
VueJS logo TypeScript
Tailwind logo TailwindCSS

Personal project using OMDb API

Project 3


JavaScript logo JavaScript
NodeJS logo NodeJS
VueJS logo Vue
Tailwind logo TailwindCSS
MySQL logo MySQL

Private project for transport company

Project 3

Shorten URL

Python logo Python
Flask logo Flask
VueJS logo Vue
Tailwind logo TailwindCSS
Firebase logo Firebase

Python, Flask, VueJS, TailwindCSS and Firebase

Full Stack App to shorten URL

Publications 📄

Facial Ethnicity Identification by Collaborative Voting System

CDVE2024, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Valencia, Spain, September 15-18, 2024.


Exams as a Service: Synergies between ChatGPT, and Cloud Computing for Education (In Press)

SmartTech-IC 2024, Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series, Quito, Ecuador, December 2-4, 2024.


Education 📚


Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Salesian Polytechnic University - Quito, Ecuador


English Course

University of Victoria - British Columbia, Canada


Certification LE-1: Linux Essentials

Linux Professional Institute


Course programming in C++



Introduction to Python



Introduction to the Cybersecurity



Download my resume to learn more about my experience and skills.

Download Resume


You can reach me through the following platforms